John Altberg
I was introduced to woodturning in 2004 and have been pulled deeper and deeper into the vortex ever since. That year I acquired my first lathe and some basic tools and began reading whatever I could find on the internet. I also took some classes and joined a local club. Over the last decade I have moved up to a third, larger lathe, acquired several ancillary tools and lots of wood. I have pretty well taken over the garage to the extent that cars are no longer parked there. I have a very tolerant wife!
Clean, simple lines that accentuate the grain of the wood and minimize the visual clutter are always at the heart of my work. I prefer to make utility items intended for daily use rather than “art”, but it is up to the end user to determine how my pieces will be used and perceived. Most of the wood that I turn is harvested locally from trees that have been downed by storms, construction, selective thinning, etc. My family knows that I will always seek out the sound of a chainsaw in use!
I am a member of the Inland Northwest Woodturners, and the American Association of Woodturners,